Thursday, June 3, 2010

java.sql.Connection JDK 1.5 and 1.6 Compatibility Issue

A certain former work colleague of mine found this just before skipping the country to work for some evil IT empire... not to mention any names... but it starts with an "O" and ends with a "racle".

Today I opened the project again and there is a little Red X in my IDE which gives me a strange tick and psychotic tendencies.

java.sql.Connection was implemented into a verbose connection to get more information for unit tests.

Problem is he was running 1.6 jdk ... (our environment is still on 1.5) our hudson build machine is running 1.6, building as 1.5, our maven pom is set to 1.5, and most the developers are using 1.5...

If you have 1.6 the compiler complains about:

The type VerboseConnection must implement the inherited abstract method Connection.createArrayOf(String, Object[])
The type VerboseConnection must implement the inherited abstract method Connection.createBlob()
The type VerboseConnection must implement the inherited abstract method Connection.createClob()
The type VerboseConnection must implement the inherited abstract method Connection.createNClob()
The type VerboseConnection must implement the inherited abstract method Connection.createSQLXML()
The type VerboseConnection must implement the inherited abstract method Connection.createStruct(String, Object[])
The type VerboseConnection must implement the inherited abstract method Connection.getClientInfo()
The type VerboseConnection must implement the inherited abstract method Connection.getClientInfo(String)
The type VerboseConnection must implement the inherited abstract method Connection.isValid(int)
The type VerboseConnection must implement the inherited abstract method Connection.setClientInfo(Properties)
The type VerboseConnection must implement the inherited abstract method Connection.setClientInfo(String, String)
The type VerboseConnection must implement the inherited abstract method Wrapper.isWrapperFor(Class)
The type VerboseConnection must implement the inherited abstract method Wrapper.unwrap(Class)

So you implement the above methods and there are no little red X's and all is good in the world... Then someone then opens it up in 1.5:

NClob cannot be resolved to a type
SQLClientInfoException cannot be resolved to a type
SQLClientInfoException cannot be resolved to a type
SQLXML cannot be resolved to a type
The import java.sql.NClob cannot be resolved
The import java.sql.SQLClientInfoException cannot be resolved
The import java.sql.SQLXML cannot be resolved

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