barreling down a mountain.
So staying up to date with all the tech you touch is becoming a real struggle. When I started out as a developer many years back, I felt staying on the bleeding edge wasn't too bad.
I mean I needed to know and keep in touch with:
- My main language and some of its main frameworks.. Java / Junit / Hibernate
- Some html, javascript, applets, JSP tags
- Some RDBMS and SQL.. Latest changes on Oracle / SQL Server, how their indexing strategies change between versions etc.
These days however the list of technologies, frameworks, languages and tools has just exploded.
I have in some way or other worked with, tried, read about, implemented, studied, interested in or affected by the following in the last year. Most of which have shipped so much functionality it's actually mind boggling :
- Java
- Java 7 to 8
- Frameworks: Spring, Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, Hibernate
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Go
- Python
- Testing:
- JUnit, Cucumber, Pact.IO, Selenium, Jasmine, Karma, Protractor, Hamcrest, Shazamcrest, Mockito
- AngularJS
- Angular 2 / 4
- Docker
- Docker, Compose, Swarm
- Lambda, DynamoDB, Step Functions, S3, Cognito, ECS, EC2, VPC, Cloud Formation
- Netflix
- Elastic Search
- LogStash, Kibana
- Weblogic
- Tomcat
- Kubernetes
- Kafka
- Pivotal Cloud Foundry
- Caching
- Hazelcast, Redis, EHCache
- Storage
- Oracle, MongoDB,, Neo4J, H2, MySQL, InfluxDB
- Build + CI/CD
- Jenkins, Bamboo, Concourse
- Git
- Windows Server, MacOS, Linux, iOS
- Blockchain
I am pretty sure there are a couple others that I am missing... and not mentioning the architectural styles, patterns, agile practices and the like so prevalent in our industry.
What sparked this blog post was watching the DockerCon Videos from May...
I would say I use Docker pretty regularly, generally on quite simple use cases for my own development and some work related projects...
But watching the videos below I realized that I had completely missed out on a ton of new functionality I didn't know about...
The reason I could watch a DockerCon video 11AM on a Wednesday morning is because I am current between countries and therefore between jobs... So I have a week or 2 to kill, and obviously I jump at the opportunity to go check out some of the latest stuff...
However seeing how many changes there were and that I missed a lot of it...
I think I may need to schedule "tech-cations" every couple months to just gorge on all that is new for a couple days.. or hopefully with the use of public transport in my new city, I can cram in another hour or so of podcasts or videos into my daily schedule.